【放 送日】 | 2017年1月20日(金) | 19:30~20:00 | NHK BSプレミアム | 番組HP |
【放 送日】 | 2017年6月11日(日) | 23:00~23:30 | NHK Eテレ 美の壺・選 |
テーマは「竹」。▽宮崎県日之影町で、日々の暮らしの中で使われる竹製道具の数々。機能性と美しさを兼ね備えた道具には、伝説の竹細工職人の哲学 が!?▽これも竹!?“自然がデザインした”不思議な形や模様の竹が続々。幻の一級品も登場。竹の個性を生かした美術品は圧巻!▽伝統工芸、駿河竹千筋細 工の技術を総動員して作った竹の豪華シャンデリア!繊細な光と影の世界は要注目!前代未聞の作品に挑んだ職人の奮闘物語も!
【放 送日】 | 2009年7月4日(金) | 8:15~8:45 | NHK WORLD |
番組HP |
Bamboo grows widely throughout Japan. For centuries this versatile
plant has played an essential role in people's lives. Its wood is used
in traditional architecture and to make a wide range of everyday
objects. Craftsmen fashion it into tea ceremony utensils. And in
spring, the freshly dug root is considered a seasonal delicacy.
Because bamboo grows so strongly and in such abundance, it has been
revered since ancient times as a plant with mystical properties,
featuring in legends, seasonal festivals and religious rituals. In this
edition of Begin Japanology, we examine the multifold uses of this
plant that holds such a special place in the hearts of Japanese people.